Patrol Team Resolve

Patrol Resolve

Hey team. All right, Monday Message. And as you know, Monday Message is always about our core values. So let’s talk about one of our core values: resolve. Resolve. Improvise, adapt, and overcome.

This time for Monday Message, resolve. I want to draw attention to a group of leaders on our team, and that’s our patrol leaders. They work nights, they work patrol. We’ve been down a couple of patrol shifts for what seems like forever, and they continue to drive ahead. They continue to focus on improvising to make sure the night has its best possible outcome, they adapt to things that happen out there on the street every night, to other officers. They overcome in order to accomplish the mission. And they show great leadership, they show great investment, and they show a great example to the other patrol officers.

They have a bright attitude, they have a willingness to buckle down. They can look in the eye and say, “Yes, this sucks, but we’re going to do this, and we can get this done, and here’s how.” And they look for ways to solve problems, they don’t give up, they never quit, and those are great traits to have.

So, I want to celebrate on this Monday Message our core value of resolve by celebrating our four leaders and their supervisor, Christina, and their director, Sonja, for that continued tenacity and hard work ethic that they drive forward. And they continue to look for solutions. I love the way that Sonja brings problems and situations to them, giving them the opportunity to have a say and word in the solution instead of just coming up with it herself. I love that attribute that she shows to them, how to be great leaders themselves and give them a chance to step up and come up with great solutions.

So, this Monday Message is about you guys. Thank you for showing resolve to all of us because it means so much to how we do what we do here for our clients, for our community, and for our fellow team members. So again, Sonja, Christina, Elijah, Kevin, Kahn, and Ryan, I just want to say thank you. A big shout out. Thanks on this Monday for your resolve and your dedication.

So, guys, it’s Monday. It’s almost over. This month is almost over. We’ve got half a year ahead of us. Let’s make it the best half as we move into the end of 2022. God bless you, and I’ll see you next Monday. Don’t forget, be valuable, because nothing less will do. See you, guys.