Chad Thanks Margaret Langnese
Hey team! So today is Thankful Thursday. I know I don’t have the #Thankful up behind me because, well, let me just quickly show you. I have my beautiful yard. It’s been really hot this week. So on the date of this recording, it’s been really, really hot all week long. So, I got up early this morning, came out on my patio, and I wanted to send a Thankful Thursday.
The first person that came to mind, and I don’t know if I’ve done Thankful Thursday for this person yet, is Margaret. Margaret is our HR coordinator. She’s fairly new, she’s been here just a few months, and she is absolutely killing it. Those of you that are new, you’ve met Margaret, why?
Because she hired you. She brought you on to our team. We are so thankful for her diligence, for her hard work, for her dedication, for her love. And for her core values of humility and respect that she gives to every team member here.
She’s got such a nice smile and such a great personality. She’s so friendly and so helpful, and she cares so deeply about making sure that we find the right fits. People that are just absolutely perfect for our team, that are perfect for our community, that are perfect for the work that we do. And so, Margaret, today, I just want to say thank you. I am so thankful that you took this position because it is well suited for what you do, and you are amazing at it.
And I know that the trouble you have sifting through and finding the most perfect people to be on our team is not the easiest thing, and we are so grateful to have you. I know the patrol team is so grateful that you have been hiring great patrol officers and that you have been hiring great on-sites because it makes their job that much easier. I know that Jeff is probably very thankful because we have less problems out there on the street because we’re having people that fit our core values, that care deeply, and again, that’s because of you.
So today, Margaret, thank you. We are so thankful for you. Alright, so I’m gonna let everybody else get back to work. Remember, be thankful and be valuable because nothing else will do. See you guys next week.