Officer Highlight: Officer Jacob Miller
Here at Northwest Enforcement, we pride ourselves on hiring some of the best officers out there. From time to time, we have an officer that goes above and beyond which proves even more what rockstar officers we have! This week we are honored to be highlighting Officer Jacob Miller.
Officer Miller has been with Northwest Enforcement since last summer, and in that time has shown himself to be a great value to the team. Always willing to help other team members when they are behind by helping with picking up a few patrols or call responses when needed. Officer Miller has been working to continuously improve his own performance by taking extra training when available, and his integrity is noticed and valued by the team. Officer Miller’s team focus and approach are always appreciated and are part of what makes the team at Northwest Enforcement so efficient, even when faced with challenges.
Officer Jacob Miller, thank you for all that you do on a consistent bases to help the team provide excellent service and value to the communities we serve. You are part of what makes Northwest Enforcement so great. You ROCK!!!!