Officer Highlight: Officer Timothy Mayo

Officer Timothy Mayo

Here at Northwest Enforcement we pride ourselves on hiring some of the best officers out there. From time to time, we have an officer that goes above and beyond which proves even more what rockstar officers we have! This week we are honored to be highlighting Officer Timothy Mayo.

Officer Mayo has been with Northwest Enforcement for over two and a half years now, and in that time has repeatedly shown his dedication to the team and the communitiesweserve. Alwayswillingtohelptheteameitherbystayinglatetohelp train, covering shifts, or picking up last minute shifts he has shown himself repeatedly to be a valued member of the team. His commitment to go above and beyond, as well as his flexibility demonstrates his willingness and dedication to do what is needed to provide the best possible service to our clients, and the communities we serve.

Officer Timothy Mayo, thank you for all that you do and the value and dedication you bring to the team. You are a testament to what makes the team at Northwest Enforcement so great. YOU ROCK!!!!