Officer Highlight: Corporal Ruhail Khan
Here at Northwest Enforcement, we pride ourselves on hiring some of the best officers out there. From time to time, we have an officer that goes above and beyond which proves even more what rockstar officers we have! This week we are honored to be highlighting Corporal Ruhail Khan.
Cpl. Khan has been with Northwest Enforcement since October 2021, and in the year and a half that Cpl. Khan has been with the team, he has been a consistent source of positivity and reliability. His dedication to the team and unwavering willingness to help others is obvious to all who meet him. Cpl. Khan has done an amazing job providing excellent service to the client by improving team morale. His willingness to help others, despite any personal inconvenience, inspires our leaders and the entire team alike.
Corporal Ruhail Khan, thank you for all your dedication and resolve. You are part of what makes the team at Northwest Enforcement great. You are a ROCKSTAR!!!!