Chad Thanks Lieutenant Doyle
Hey team, here we are. All right. So it is Thankful Thursday. Thankful Thursday. And today, I wanna share with you how thankful we are for Lieutenant Doyle.
Lieutenant Doyle came in as a patrol officer. He’s gone through leadership, and he’s grown tremendously. In his role now, working on day shift as one of the lieutenants here. Not many days go by that I don’t hear either from one of his leaders or even from the client over at Multnomah County, or someone else, about the effort, the dedication, and the hard work that he has been putting in to help advance and grow our team and be valuable to our clients.
So for that, we are super thankful. So, Doyle, I just really appreciate you. I’ve seen a lot of maturity and growth in your leadership and your desire to keep advancing and moving forward, not just for yourself but for everyone that you serve. I really appreciate that, and I think that all of us here are really thankful that you are here and that you are doing the great work that you’re doing on a regular basis. So, we really do truly appreciate the value you bring to this team and wanted to just give you a shout out today on Thankful Thursday.
So for the rest of you, let’s go be valuable because nothing less will do, just like Lieutenant Doyle is every single day. God bless you all. I’ll see you next week.