Four Quarters Beats One Hundred Pennies
Hey team. All right, so here we are. It’s a Wednesday Workshop, and I saw this quote. I think it’s Judy Henderson or Jody Henderson who said it: “Be careful who you call your friends. I’d rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.”
In this world of Facebook and social media, with all the followers and everything on Instagram and so forth, not everybody that follows you is a fan. Not everybody that follows you is a fan.
It’s really true. I would much rather have four close-knit friends that I can trust beyond a shadow of a doubt than to have 100 fair-weather friends—people that I can’t call up at two o’clock in the morning because I’m stranded on the Banfield or in the rain, my car ran out of gas, or my tire popped, or whatever. I would rather have four close friends that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that if I called them, they’d help me.
Having those four close friends that, when you say, “Hey, I just killed somebody,” one’s running to get the keys to the car, and one’s going to get two shovels. Get what I’m saying? Picking up what I’m putting down?
Having those four close friends that are there to help you through thick and thin is really important.
Don’t get caught up in the social media aspect of being liked. Having deep-rooted accountability partners and things like that resonates with me. I don’t have a ton of friends, and some of you are sitting there right now going, “No duh,” because, yeah, well, I get it. I understand. I’m pretty hard on people. I’m hard on myself, and I’m very guarded when it comes to allowing people to really deeply get to know me.
My best friend in the world is my wife. For 31 years, she’s my closest person, although I don’t know if she would go get the shovels, just saying. But thinking through, I have a couple of brothers that I know have always had my back. You can usually count on family under most circumstances. Not everybody can, but I have some other close friends, but they’re very few. I’m very guarded in that way because I don’t just let everybody know who I am. I don’t even let everybody know who I am on Facebook, but I am very trusting. Once you’ve got me as a friend, I’m the kind of guy that will go get two shovels, grab some plastic bags, and help you out.
Enough about the serial killer stuff in me.
Anyway, hey, I want you guys to know what a beautiful Wednesday this is and how much I enjoy coming here and spending time with you. Remember, four close friends, four quarters, is better than 100 pennies. Can you imagine carrying around hundreds of pennies in your pocket? I got a story about that, maybe for another time.
God bless you guys, have a wonderful week, and I will talk to you next Wednesday.