Tell the Truth for a Better Future

Tell the Truth for a Better Future

Hey team. I saw this quote, and it really got me thinking about how true it is: “If you tell the truth, it becomes part of your past. If you tell a lie, it becomes part of your future.” Nobody likes to be lied to. The thing about telling the truth is, one, it’s easier to remember. Two, it becomes part of your past because it sets in motion that transparency and that humility you need to be able to tell the truth, even when it’s hard, even when it’s difficult. You have the ability to share with people.

People will remember you as a loyal, trustworthy, dependable, reliable person.

Whereas if you tell a lie, and if it ever gets found out, it can destroy your future. More importantly, even if you don’t get found out in every single lie, it sets up a character in you that ends up not weighing out so well. Can you get away with it for a little while? Can you live off of a lie? Sure, there have been people that have done it for many years, decades sometimes, but it has a way of catching up to you at some point because it just does.

We’ve seen it in the media; we’ve seen people embellish their resumés and so on and so forth. And rise to success to the point where they find themselves being found out. We’ve seen politicians in the same way. We’ve seen it in family members possibly, where you thought something of somebody and you find out that most everything was a lie. That stings. It hurts. But it also harms the person that lied more than it harms the person lied to in the long run.

We want to be men and women of character, of loyalty, and dependability, reliability.

We want to be valuable because nothing less will do. These are our core values, and the best way to do that is by telling the truth. So as you’re going out there today, this week, this month, think about it. Tell the truth; it becomes part of your past. Even when you are telling the truth about a mistake you’ve made, it’s very humbling and very transparent. Even if the person is dissatisfied or can’t believe you did what you did, by telling the truth, they’ll have more respect for you.

The one thing they’ll never be able to do is say, “Well, he’s a liar. She’s a liar.” They had the integrity to tell me the truth. They’d admit they’re wrong and what they did was wrong. They had the ability to admit it, and I have more respect for that person. In that moment, they might have lost their job, but I have more respect for them. In that moment, they might not be a part of my life anymore, but I have more respect for them. If they’re telling the truth and they’re learning from their mistakes, then many times they will grow past it, and they will learn from it.

But by lying about it and trying to cover it up, it becomes a cancer that eats away at their own soul, and it turns out to be not such a pretty sight in the long run. It has a way of destroying many relationships in their life long term, and that’s something that’s not very pretty.

So as you’re thinking about these things, tell the truth. You’ll be better for it in the long run.

God bless you. Be valuable because nothing else will do. I’ll see you guys next week. Have a wonderful day.