Build Your Character

Build Your Character

Hey Team! All right, so here we are again. I’m excited to be here with you guys and wanted to share a quote that I read a couple of weeks ago. It really touched me in such a way that made me excited. I really like these kinds of things. I think you guys probably know this by now. The fact that I do 104 videos every year and have been doing it for a few years in a row, I get real excited about quotes because they spark my memory and make me think.

This quote says, “Build your character in such a way that the weak feel safe and the strong feel cautious around you.”

Build your character in such a way that the weak feel safe. People of strong character make others feel heard, welcomed, and invited.

I don’t know about you, but there are a few men in my life that I have had the blessing and privilege to learn from and be around. They make me feel safe, heard, and welcomed. They are smart, articulate, interesting, wise, and they inspire me to want to be like them. That is a good thing. It makes the people who are vulnerable, whether emotionally, physically, spiritually, or otherwise, feel encouraged. I want to personally be that person for those around me. And I want to be someone who encourages others to find a better way to be who they are. I want to be that for my family and my friends.

The strong people around you, including those with bad intentions, will be cautious when they step around you because they know who you are. They know you’re confident in who you are and that your character is built so well that they walk on eggshells because they know you can see through them. That’s the kind of character you want to have: one where the strong feel cautious and the weak feel invited and safe.

These are good things to consider. What kind of person do you want to be? What kind of character do you have? Do you have a character that encourages others to be better than they are, to inspire them to be better than they are today, so they want to change just because they’re in your presence? I have people like that in my life. They inspire me to be better than I am today.

For this week, ponder these thoughts. Build your character in such a way that the weak feel safe and the strong feel a little more cautious when they are around you.

God bless you guys. Have a wonderful week. Ponder these thoughts, think about them, and drop me a line. Let me know what you were thinking. I’d love to hear it. Remember, let’s be valuable because nothing less will do. Love you guys. God bless.