Find Purpose in Meaning
Hey, Team! Here we are again, and it’s a wonderful day. I’m excited to share something with you. Victor Frankl — I don’t know if you guys have read anything by him — but this quote has popped up a couple of different times in the last month or two for me, and it really stuck. It’s something that has come to my mind over and over, and I want to share it with you today.
Victor Frankl said, “When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.” When you can’t find that deep sense of meaning, it’s easy to get sidetracked by the pleasures of things. I think about my boys, who are young, and when they can’t find a deep purpose or meaning in life, it’s easy to get distracted with pleasures — whether it’s video games, watching TV, or binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy or whatever it is.
Some people take pleasure too far, whether it’s sex, drugs, or overeating. We can indulge too much in pleasures, like alcohol, trying to drown out the sorrow of a lack of meaning or purpose. That’s how we get depressed. There are studies that talk about how many people in America are depressed. Maybe I’m talking to you right now, and you’re thinking, “Chad, you’re ringing my bell. I am depressed.”
We don’t always recognize it, but at some point, the drinking, the drugs, the TV, the eating, the video games, or social media — whatever it is — they’re no longer as attractive. They become more of a depressing way of just getting by until tomorrow. That’s a sad thing. I’m not here to make you sad. I’m here to lift you up and help you find meaning.
I know where I’ve found meaning. I find meaning in serving my team, my family, and my God. When I’m serving well and focused on those people that the good Lord has put in my path, my life has more meaning. I no longer need to overindulge in the pleasures of this world.
I’ve found meaning in my relationships with church, family, friends, and even my co-workers. I turn my attention, focus, and leadership to those things, and it has brought me meaning. Wherever you are today, think about the meaning in your life. Do you find purpose in what you’re doing? If not, let’s talk about it. Let’s find a way for you to discover meaning so you don’t have to distract yourself with the simple pleasures of life that aren’t meaningful.
I don’t care how great you are at Fortnite or whatever video game it is. For me, it would have been Legend of Zelda or Mario Brothers. You’re probably thinking, “Damn, Chad, you’re old,” or maybe even back to Pac-Man and Atari. I was a pong star when I was 12! Some of you probably don’t even know what Pong is, but it was awesome. If you’re a Tetris superstar, does that give you meaning or purpose? Do you have a trophy that says, “Tetris Superstar?” Are you the pinball champion of 2006? I’m sure the pinball champion of 2006 is great, but my point is, simple pleasures are often distractions from meaningful purpose.
I don’t care how good you are at solving a Rubik’s Cube. You have to find purpose and meaning in life. Now, I’m just joking around, but my point is, purpose and meaning in life don’t come from the Rubik’s Cube or simple distractions like fidget spinners. Service to ourselves, our family, our community, and the people we work with brings more meaning to life. When we focus on that, we become better leaders, better humans, and more joyful people.
So, think about that today. What’s bringing meaning to you? Drill down on what’s meaningful, and put aside distractions and pleasures. I’m not saying to quit everything unless it’s harmful to you. If you’re an alcoholic, you probably should quit drinking, period. But even binge-watching 17 hours of TV on your weekend is not helpful. You’d be better off picking up a book and finding purpose and meaning in something that can lift you up.
I love what Sonja has been doing with her team. I’m seeing more and more leaders grow because they’re putting purpose and meaning into their lives. I’m seeing growth within the team and, more importantly, within each leader under Sonja’s leadership. She’s growing in her leadership, and it’s a beautiful thing. I’m seeing that across our company more and more, and it’s awesome.
Find purpose and meaning, and let’s get rid of the distractions. God bless you guys. Have a wonderful week. I’ll see you next week!