Everyone You Meet Knows Something You Don’t Know

Everyone You Meet Knows Something You Don't Know

Hey team! All right, here we are again, another wonderful, beautiful day in October. I’m out here on my deck, got up early in the morning. I’m even up before the birds. The birds haven’t even started chirping yet. I wanted to read you a quote that I saw the other day as I was studying. It’s from somebody that I think I’ve quoted before. His name is Carl Jung, and he says, “Everybody you meet knows something you need to know. They know something that you need to know. Learn from them, everybody that you meet.”

I think that goes pretty well with one of our core values, which is humility. If you have the humility to know that you don’t know everything that you need to know, then you will go much further in life. When you meet people, you will be excited about listening to them, and you will want to learn from them.

Now, sometimes what they’ll teach you are things that you need to know about what you don’t want to do. You will run into people in life that will give you an example of what not to do. Then you will run into people in life that will teach you things that you need to know about what to do. You need to be able to understand the difference in that because there are people out there that are going to try to pull you in, suck you down, and keep you from achieving the goals in your life.

But you’re also going to meet people that are going to spur you on to greatness, that are going to challenge you a little bit more, that are going to inspire you to work a little bit harder, and that are going to try to drive you a little bit further in life. If you learn from everyone that you meet, both the good and the bad, and you take to heart the things that you need to better yourself—to become a better you, to be better disciplined, to achieve more, to study harder, to learn, to grow—whether it’s through books or just meeting people in conference rooms, boardrooms, or wherever you go, have an attentive ear.

Learn from others that are wiser than you. Sometimes those people are going to be younger than you, sometimes they’re going to be older than you, sometimes they’ll be the same age. Sometimes they will be somebody from another country, or they might be somebody that looks way different than you. But if you have the desire to learn and the humility to realize that everybody in this world that you meet, that you run into out on the street, knows something that you don’t know and that you need to know, then you can go far in this life.

If you think you know it all, if you think you’re already there and have already achieved everything that you could possibly learn, and your heart is still beating, well, I’ve got news for you—you don’t know as much as you think you do. I’ve learned that more and more as I get older. I’ve gotten wiser. I used to think I knew a lot, and then I fell on my face a few times, made a few mistakes, didn’t understand why, and I started to realize there were things I didn’t know that I needed to know.

I came to that place in my life where I wanted to learn more. So I read more books, started meeting more people, and started listening a little bit more intently. I found myself growing in intellect, desire, and hard work, and put my ethics in the right place. It has helped me achieve way more. It has helped me be a better leader, a better father, a better husband, and a better human.

If those are things that you’re striving for, then as Carl said, “Everybody you meet has something to say to you that you don’t know.” So listen intently because you need to know it.

All right, guys, as we go through this October, be blessed. Just know that we love you, we care for you. We know that not everything is super easy, and we’re coming into the holidays. These are joyous times, but sometimes for some of us, we grieve because we have lost loved ones this year, and they’re not going to be at the dinner table for Christmas and Thanksgiving. Our hearts go out to you, and just know that you are loved here, that you are cared for.

God bless you, and remember, let’s go out there and be valuable because nothing less would do. And remember again, somebody out there today that you meet knows something you don’t know, so listen, learn, and grow.

All right, God bless you. See you next week.