Envy Prevents You From Focusing On You

Envy Prevents Your From Focusing On You

Here we are again. This month, we’re unpacking a few words that can interfere with your growth, maturity, and the things going on in your life. We talked last week about ego; this week, we’re going to talk about envy and how envy can prevent you from focusing on yourself.

If you’re envious of somebody else, it can lead to jealousy. If you’re spending all your time and energy awake, thinking about other people and wishing you were like them—wishing you had what they had, or were as good-looking as them, or maybe even had a beautiful beard like Chad (though I doubt any of you are thinking that)—then you’re spending all your time and talents, the time God has given you, on wishing you were someone else.

You’re consuming all your life by thinking about and being envious of others.

When you focus so much on someone else’s life, you’re wondering why things haven’t happened to you. Part of the reason they haven’t happened is because you’re spending your energy on thoughts about someone else, instead of asking yourself, “What can I do to improve? How can I move the needle in my life and get better?”

As you go through the rest of this week, think about it: are you spending a lot of time thinking about other people and being envious? Are you wanting to be like the Joneses? It’s something to think about, process, and maybe change. If that’s something that resonates with you today, work on that.

I think many of us have met people who are always consumed with thoughts about someone else. They’re not focused on their own lives, but are fixated on someone else’s life—that is envy.

Envy consumes their time.

Last week, we discussed ego, which is when you’re only thinking about yourself in a narcissistic way, thinking everything’s about you. This week, we’re discussing the other side: are you thinking too much about someone else? That, too, can prevent you from growth and maturity.

All right, guys, have a wonderful week. God bless you. I hope you’re enjoying November and the holidays that are here. With our family, we’re celebrating JT’s birthday—he turns eleven on 11/11, which is special. David turns seven, and the two of them have said they want to go to 7-Eleven and tell them, “Hey, we’re 7 and 11; you need to change your name!” I think it would be really funny if I could actually get them to do it. If they do, I’ll videotape it and bring it back here for you all to see.

God bless you guys, have a wonderful week, and remember: yep, you know what I’m going to say—be valuable. Nothing less will do. God bless you, and see you soon!