Verbal Sunshine
Hey Team! Here we are—2025 is upon us, and what a beautiful year it’s going to be. We are entering into our 25th year. It’s amazing to think that 25 years ago, a quarter century ago, Karen and I took this idea and started making it happen. Oh, what a journey it has been! The reality is, I still can’t help but remember that I used to have hair.
All right, it’s 2025! I just thought I’d throw in a little bit of humor to get us going.
Today’s quote—I kind of like it—says, “Be generous with encouragement.” Who doesn’t like encouragement? It’s like verbal sunshine. Be generous because it’s like basking in the rays on a beautiful tropical beach. It costs nothing, it warms our hearts, and it enriches lives.
“Be generous with encouragement.”
Think about that. It doesn’t cost anything to encourage somebody else. Be valuable. Nothing less will do. Sometimes we talk about value as being only tangible, but it can also be emotional. Your value to somebody else might be just the emotional encouragement, love, and respect you give to lift them out of a pit they are currently in.
Imagine that. Think for just a minute that you can encourage somebody and pull them out. Maybe you’re thinking back to a time you’ve been in one of those proverbial pits emotionally. Somebody’s encouragement, love, care, or time helped lift you out of that. Didn’t that feel valuable?
Our core purpose—this is a Monday Message, after all—is to talk about our core values. Our core purpose is to be valuable because nothing less will do. Let’s give encouragement.
Be generous with your encouragement.
When I teach leadership classes and talk to leaders, I say, “Look for something that somebody’s doing well.” If you’re looking for problems or mistakes, you’ll find them. But if you’re looking for things people are doing right, you can find that too.
Sometimes it might feel hard. You’ll get to a post or a location as a leader and find someone making a mistake, and you’ll want to jump on that mistake. But first, look for something you can congratulate them on, something you can encourage them about. Then you can talk about the mistake and how to work through it. Afterward, encourage them again and tell them how much you believe they can conquer it.
You’ll be surprised how often you might help someone in a time of need climb out of that pit—emotionally, physically, or even spiritually. You can be that person for someone else. Our core values matter in that way.
I think being generous with encouragement is a good thing. I love generosity, I talk to my boys about looking for it at school every day. Was somebody generous to you? Was somebody helpful? Did you notice?
Then I always ask my boys, “Were you generous to anybody? Did you help anybody?” I want to build that into our lives. Every day, I talk to them about these subjects, just like I’m talking to you now.
Be generous. Be generous with your encouragement of others.
It doesn’t cost anything, and it’s like verbal sunshine. On days when we have a lot of clouds and rain, be that verbal sunshine for someone else. Encourage them.
Have a wonderful rest of your week, and I’ll see you next week. God bless you.
Remember, it is true: let’s be valuable because nothing less will do. It’s not just about tangible things. It can be as easy as offering an encouraging word to another person, whether they’re on the team, in the community, or even in your family.
Let me encourage you: Be valuable. Nothing less will do. Talk to you next week!