Things You Don’t Change You Choose
So we’re back, and I heard this quote—I think it was on social media. Someone said something that really resonated with me, so here it goes. Let me see if I can remember it correctly: “What you do not change, you choose.”
There are other quotes out there that are similar, but I want to unpack this for a second. The things you don’t change? Well, then you’ve made a choice. It doesn’t matter if it’s relationships, jobs, dieting, working out, joining a roller derby—it doesn’t matter what it is. Getting smarter, joining a class, taking college courses—whatever it is, the things you don’t change mean that you’ve made a choice to stay the same, to maintain the status quo in your life.
I think that’s an important thing for us to reflect on because if you want to see change in your life, you’re going to have to do something. If all you do is keep dreaming, wishing, and hoping for something to get better, it won’t happen without action.
Wealth isn’t built, and companies aren’t built without action. You have to put action, consistency, discipline, and a number of other things behind it. But it starts with a choice—an actual decision to make a change, to shift the things you want to be different. If you’re not working toward change, then you’ve chosen to stay where you are. And you have nobody to blame, no excuses to make, other than yourself.
That’s an important realization. The things you don’t change, you choose. That’s something worth remembering. I want you to go into the rest of this week thinking about that: The things I don’t change are because I made a choice.
If you want something to be different in your life, it might require you to set your alarm an hour earlier. It might require you to get in your car and drive to the gym. It might require you to schedule a Monday-Wednesday. Or a Tuesday-Thursday course at your local community college. It might require you to do something different. To become the change you want to see. It might require you to open up a book this quarter and start reading 10 pages a day. It might require those things.
So the things you don’t change, you choose. The life you have right now is because of the choices you have made—or the ones you’ve put off making.
I know that’s a tough lesson, but trust me—if I’m pointing a finger in your direction, I know there are three pointing back at me. I’m taking very seriously the advice I’m giving you right now. The things I want to change? I need to make a choice—a different choice.
God bless you. Have a wonderful week! Can’t wait to talk to you again next week. Talk soon.