

Hey Team. All right, here we are for another Monday. It’s almost the end of the month. Can you believe it? A month is almost gone by. We’re already in 2022. Wow. I don’t know about you, but I’m getting ready for Spring. Man, I would love to see some sunshine and not have to be wearing a coat every single day. But today is resolve. Core values, our focus. Company to you. Are we showing you resolve? Do we show you a do-not-quit mentality? Are your leaders showing you a do-not-quit mentality? Are they showing you that kind of respect? To lead by example. Do they think out of the box? Are they showing you or are they giving you and coaching you on how to think differently out of the box resolve and come up with problem-solving things?

Resolve means improvise, adapt and overcome.

When you come up against a roadblock, you improvise, you adapt. And you overcome the situation to accomplish the mission. Are we showing you that in life as leaders, are we showing you that we have the resolve or are we only asking it of you? I want to believe that you are seeing that kind of resolve because I believe it’s in our DNA as a company. I know it’s in mine. But are we showing it? Are we showing you the value of being resolved toward you, for you, with you in that regard?

We also say embrace the suck. Yeah, days suck, don’t they? Some days just suck. I say I’m living the dream and it’s true. But not every day is ice cream. Cotton candy. Blue skies. We have a lot of gray. In Portland, it rains a lot. But we can still dance in the rain. We can still bask in the beauty of who we are. And we always remember that a piece of resolve has something to do with that pressure that life brings, plus the pain that life brings. Times of perseverance will equal the prosperity that we will all relish. Someday. We get little glimpses of it from time to time. We have been growing as a company. And We have had huge growing pains. We embrace the suck on a daily basis sometimes.

We have the resolve to never quit and we keep doing it.

Remember that performance under pressure equals power. That’s the thing. Performance under pressure. That’s what gives you power. That’s how you get it. But are we showing that to you? Are we living that to you? As leaders? I’m putting us on the spot as leaders to show that to you. And if we’re not, how can we improve? How can we show you resolve? How can we show you that we care about you, how can we be resolved in that way? To show you that. I really want to know. So please message me. If we’re falling short. Help us get better. Be a part of that.

I can’t get better if I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. So share it with me.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Your enemies don’t despise your enemies because they show you your faults.” I like that. Right now, I don’t consider you an enemy. I consider your family. I consider you a friend. But I need to listen as much as I speak. Maybe more. Why? God gave me two ears. Mine aren’t too big, but they’re kind of hanging off the side of my head. I want to use them more, especially in 2022. Call it a New Year resolution, call it whatever you will. But I’ve been reading a lot of books and it’s been telling me more and more. Each and every leadership book I read tells me I should spend a little more time listening.

So I want to hear you. How can I have a better resolve? How can I be a better leader for you? Share it with me. Tell me. I want to. I want you to feel that I have an improvise, adapt and overcome relationship care for you. Because I do care. I want our leaders to care. Tell me where we’re right. Tell me where we’re wrong. Help me grow. Till next week. Next Monday. Be valuable because nothing less will do. I want to be valuable to you. So help me out I’ll see you next week, guys.