Pour Into Others


Here we are—February! How awesome is that? I saw a quote on social media recently, and this one is not one I’m super happy with. I want to unpack the reasons why. Let me read it to you, and then I’ll share my thoughts. It says: “I am no longer filling cups that do not…

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Don’t Let the Hard Days Win

Don't Let the Hard Days Win

Hey team. Here we are, coming to the very end of the month. What an interesting month it has been. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had some hard things, some stuff that has gone on this month. It’s been a little tough. But I had this quote that came across my desk, and…

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Hold the Ladder

Hold the Ladder

Hey team! Here we are once again, back together, talking about Monday Core Value time. We just had our annual, where we had a bunch of talks and discussions. One thing keeps resounding in my head. I saw this picture—a little meme on social media—and I grabbed it because it resembles one of our core…

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You vs Excuses

You Vs Excuses

Hey team! Here we are again, back together. A new year has started, and things are moving along. I’m pretty excited, and I hope you’re enjoying the start of 2025. I wanted to share something with you that I recently read. This quote really struck a chord with me, “It’s you versus your excuses.” I…

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Verbal Sunshine

Verbal Sunshine

Hey Team! Here we are—2025 is upon us, and what a beautiful year it’s going to be. We are entering into our 25th year. It’s amazing to think that 25 years ago, a quarter century ago, Karen and I took this idea and started making it happen. Oh, what a journey it has been! The…

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Attitude of Gratitude

Attitude of Gratitude

The year has almost come to a close, and we’re getting really, really close to wrapping things up. Some of you are sitting there right now, looking behind me, seeing these two little kids, the word “coffee,” and what looks like axe throwing. You’re probably wondering, “What is this?” Then you read the shirt—it says…

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Winners Never Stop Trying

Winners Never Stop Trying

Hey team. We only have a couple more Mondays left in the year. Two days from now, my boys are excited to wake up, open presents, and spend some time together as a family. Tomorrow night, we’ll attend a Christmas special at our church, which is always fun. We have a tradition in our family.…

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Reset – Restart – Refocus

Reset - Restart - Refocus

All right, here we are again. It is Monday, and we are marching that much closer to Christmas. I wanted to share a quote I saw online: Reset. Restart. Refocus. As many times as needed. Just don’t quit. This got me thinking about our core values—resolve. Don’t quit. Don’t give up. Restart. I have restarted…

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Don’t Walk Away

Don't Walk Away

Hey Team, here we are again! It’s going to be another great week and another great month. I wanted to share a quote that got me thinking about something important. Let me read it to you real quick: “When you walk away from accountability, you also walk away from integrity.” Accountability is such an important…

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Fear Prevents You From Seizing Opportunities

Fear Prevents You From Seizing Opportunities

Hey team! We’ve been going through a series of topics over the last few weeks that have really resonated with me. These are simple phrases and words, but they are incredibly impactful in helping you grow into the person you want to be. You might wonder why you aren’t there yet or what you need…

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