Chad Thanks Shaun Wirth
Hey team. Here we are, Thankful Thursday, so I wanted to share a little bit with you about somebody I’m thankful for. I think that we all should be thankful for because every team member here contributes so much.
But this particular person this week, I want to share with you, is Shaun Wirth. Some of you may not even know Shaun. But Shaun has been with us, I think this October, I think we’re coming up on eight years. He’s been here a long time. I think he started back in 2015, if I remember correctly. Shaun has been a patrol officer. He’s been in the industry for a really long time He has moved his way up and worked in operations and done a lot of different things. He does our training; he’s our Washington DOL trainer. He teaches our unarmed security and stuff for the state of Oregon.
Shaun has done so many amazing things over these last eight years, and what he continues to do. He even dabbles in sales; he says he’s not a salesman. But man can he sell. He knows the industry, he knows the people, he knows our team. He knows our quality, and our core values. And he emulates those core values on a daily basis to his team and to his community. That is what is so powerful. Because that’s what makes him a great salesman, it’s what makes him a great leader. He’s humble and he cares very deeply about the people he works with.
If you don’t know Shaun, at one of the next parties that we have or something, you need to seek him out and get to know him. The amount of information he has in his head and the knowledge he has of the industry itself. If it rubs off on you, be one of the smartest people in the room everywhere you go, because Shaun is that kind of guy. You don’t know it most of the time because of the way he carries himself. He’s so shy and so quiet most of the time, but man, when he speaks, he has volumes of wisdom to share. So you want to be around people like Shaun and be thankful that we have people like that.
Just this last week, we had Shaun help out. That’s the other beautiful thing, is that he is so versatile. Not only can he do sales, not only can he teach, not only can he do operations, not only can he lead in lots of different ways. But we had some quality control stuff that we needed done because we had a team member that was sick.
That’s another beautiful thing about Shaun. It’s not like, hey, well, that’s not my lane, it’s not my problem, it’s not my issue, because when the company has an issue, everybody in the company has an issue, and somebody needs to pick up the mantle and run with and solve those things. Most of the executive team, we were away, I wouldn’t call it a retreat, because we were working our tails end off, sitting in meetings and stuff, and thinking through and planning out the new year. But man, I tell you what, Shaun picked it up and he carried that ball for us all, and we are super thankful for having Shaun on the team for so many years, doing such great work.
So, Shaun, I’m thankful for you, buddy. Thank you. Welcome to the New Year, everybody, and Shaun, thank you again.
So, God bless you guys, be valuable like Shaun, because nothing less will do, and we will see you guys soon.