Christmas Parties – Invite #3

Christmas Parties Invite #3

Hey team, all right. Monday Message. Deck the Halls. Rudolph has a red nose and jingle bells. That’s right! I’m not going to sing to you because I’m not the greatest singer, but I am here to tell you on December 4th that just in a few days we are having our annual Christmas parties, and it is going to be epic.

I’ve been teasing this up the entire time. I think you’ve seen some of these messages. On Monday, celebrate like family. We like to eat cake! That is right! We have a white elephant gift. We’re going to have some prizes. The boys, my boys, are super excited. I hope your family is excited, we’re going to eat a lot of great food. We’re going to have some family fun. We’re going to have a white elephant gift exchange.

We are going to celebrate together for what a wonderful year this was.

And we have two Christmas parties, one coming up just this weekend on the 9th. It’s going to be epic. It’s on Saturday so many of our team members can celebrate and come. Those of you that can’t, we’re going to do what we can to reach out to you and love on you. And we want to say thank you for working. For those of you up in Longview, you’re more than welcome to come down here. But we’re having a special party just for you up there because you’re so far away, and I don’t want to ask you to drive all this distance down here to Portland.

We’re going to come up to you. And like always at the Grange, we are going to have an epic Christmas party just for our Longview team. And it’s going to be a lot of fun. We’re going to again give away gifts, white elephant party gift exchange, and lots of great food. Some of you, oh my goodness, I love all the food that you guys bring and the platters and the pies and the cakes and the different things that you bring that are family traditions for you. It is amazing.

So we’re going to have a lot of fun up at the Grange, and that’s on the 13th, Wednesday. But on the 9th down here, same thing. Some of you are going to be bringing your family, maybe bringing a dish, something your great grandma taught you how to make, maybe something along like that line. I’m just telling you, it’s going to be an epic time together, and we’re going to have some great food.

So I’m going to be dressed in my Sunday Best. Well, I’m going to be dressed up. It’s going to be a lot of fun. I wear some crazy suits. You guys have seen a few of the shirts and the different things and stuff I like to wear. I like to celebrate with my boys, and we are going to have a lot of fun.

So make sure you’re there on the 9th, make sure you’re there on the 13th. We’re going to have a lot of fun.

Again, my boys have picked out white elephant gifts for both Christmas parties. They’re super excited to come up to Longview and do a white elephant exchange, and they are super excited about the 9th doing a white elephant gift exchange down here. They’ve been spending the last couple of months looking for the best perfect gift, sitting on the couch with Dad and finding the best gift in which they want to put into the pot, and they’re excited about what they might end up receiving in that gift exchange. So remember the 9th, December this Saturday coming up, and next Wednesday, the 13th.

We have two amazing Christmas parties for amazing people.

That’s you. You are amazing. So God bless you guys. I will see you this Saturday, and I will see you next Wednesday. The best part about having two parties is I get to eat twice. Love you guys. God bless.