Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

Hey team, so here we are. It is Valentine’s Day, February 14th. Isn’t that awesome? I wanted to give you guys – I sit down, I do a lot of writing sometimes. And especially around this time of year. I came up with a few little Valentine’s things. I was working with Jonathan, my son, and he decided that he wanted to do some personalized type Valentine’s and stuff. So I thought I’d have a little fun at grabbing a pen and paper and putting some stuff together.

I wrote a couple of poems, things like that. I even wrote a haiku. So I wanted to share with you on this beautiful day of Valentine’s. I’m even wearing the shirt, representing little Cupid.

And a special shout out to my beautiful wife of over 30 years now. I absolutely adore you.

So let me give you a couple, just some things. We’ll start off with a haiku and then move through some funny, some maybe romantic. We’ll see, alright?

Hearts beaten rhythm
Whispers of love sweet and kind
Embrace warms the night

That’s our haiku.

Roses are red, my socks are two.
I wore them once, now they stick like glue.
Violets are blue, this rhymes a mess.
I’m much better at love, I must confess.

That’s kind of there, right? Okay.

Chocolate and peanut butter side by side,
like us together on this ride.
Chocolate is to peanut butter as you are to me,
a perfect blend in harmony.
So on Heart’s Day, what do you say?
Be mine, Valentine.

Who doesn’t like chocolate and peanut butter, come on, Reese’s man.

You’re my chocolate, rich and deep.
I promise forever to keep.

What do you guys think, huh? Is this—am I a poet? Did you know it?

In every moment, with every breath,
our hearts beat as one, in life and death.
We dance in harmony, side by side,
together forever on this joyous ride.

Roses are red, under sky so blue.
Whispers of affection forever true.
So on this day of Saint Valentine,
I must ask, will you be mine?

Love is nice, the chocolate’s better.
Love’s okay, but I prefer an Irish Setter.

Here’s my vow on this day of hearts.
I promise to cherish
until the world departs.
Be mine, Valentine.

And on this day of Saint Valentine,
I only ask, will you be mine?

And the last one.

Like chocolate’s richness, deep and true.
Your support sees me through.
A peanut butter smooth embrace,
your kindness warms every space.
Happy Valentine’s Day.

So to each and every one of you and those that you love, I pray that today you find that love.

I hope that you enjoy your day and your week, and that you embrace it and spend time with people around you. And for those of you working, thank you for sharing in that time and dedication and love for your community and for those that you serve. And remember, always to be valuable, because nothing less will do. I pray God’s blessing over you this week and forever moving forward, that you will enjoy your time together as family.

Alright, peace out guys, and those of you that think I’m really corny, you’re probably right. Alright, see you later. Bye. See you.